This course is perfect for those looking to connect to a lost family member or friend; for those looking for ways to always be able to communicate with those they love.

This course is an introduction to mediumship, but is still filled with high level skills that will help you learn about mediumship and how to connect to the spirit world so that you are always able to get guidance and advice from your loved ones in spirit. This course is fun and interactive! It is packed with meditations, lessons I’ve learned along the way, exercises you can use to build your abilities, and most importantly it is filled with easy to understand content that will help you on your mediumship journey.

All lessons have closed captions in English.

BONUS: You will get two free 45 minute calls with me to book at your convenience.

Soul Care Mediumship Mini Course
One time


  • How to make a connection to your loved one in spirit, to keep them close to you and to always have them be a part of your life

  • You will learn tools to hold this connection and be able to access it anywhere, anytime, so when you need guidance from the other side, you will always have it near you

  • How to deepen your connection to yourself through empowering lessons on self healing, and through this you will also learn to connect with yourself, allowing you to feel strong and confident in yourself and in your abilities

  • How to process through fears you may have around mediumship and being able to connect to the other side

  • You will learn how spirit communicates with you, personally, as spirt will communicate with each person individually, creating a magic space for you as a person to connect however is best for you

  • I will teach you all of my personal tips and tricks for mediumship and how they will benefit you on this amazing journey

Soul Care Mediumship Mini Course
One time


In 2014 my father was killed. It sent me on a spiral, trying to find a way to communicate with him and keep him close to me. My father was my best friend and my confidant, and in one second…he was gone. I knew in my heart that I could still talk to him. I created this course to help others like me who were looking to still be close to their family and friends after their passing. This course will help you still talk to and communicate with your loved ones.

I also created this course with those in mind who have never had a spiritual experience, for those that have shied away because they were told that only people who were born with these abilities could actually become a medium. I am proof that this is not true. We are all souls within a body, therefore it makes sense that we can connect soul to soul, whether living or in the spirit world. This course is for those that want to bring this ability into their lives but don’t know where to start. If this sounds like you, don’t struggle through everything like I did. Let me help you! I have put together an amazing course that will teach you mediumship the right way.

Soul Care Mediumship Mini Course
One time

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

My name is Mel :) My mediumship journey started in a very upfront way :) I never had a spiritual experience my entire life until this happened. After the death of my father I began searching for more. I wanted to always have him in my life, and I wanted to be able to talk to him. Then, in 2019, my answer was given. I was in a restaurant and felt a woman standing next to me, and when I looked no one was there. I instinctively knew who she was there for, and luckily the person was happy to receive the messages. I was blown away when everything I said was accurate. From that moment on, I was hooked! I knew I wanted to learn mediumship. Now, as a professional medium, my passion is helping those like myself, who never had a mediumistic experience, but has a calling, to learn how to do mediumship, and has a desire to stay in touch with their loved one who have gone to the other side. We all have the ability to do this work, and I want to show you just how fascinating your life can get when you learn how to connect to souls that have crossed over, and help you find yourself while doing so!

Still deciding? Here are some commonly asked questions!

  • Yes, everything is online. When I was learning it was very difficult for me to find courses I could attend because they were live, and I work Monday-Friday and there were no weekend courses. I wanted to create a course that gave you the power to attend whenever you had the ability.

  • Yes, every video has closed captions in English.

  • I am always available via email for my students! Also, these videos are housed on YouTube (private for only my students in the course) so students can leave comments on the videos, and I will respond to those, as well. It is highly encouraged to use the comments in YouTube so other students learn, and potentially get that same question answered.

  • This is a lifetime course, so once you purchase you will have lifetime access.

  • That is the best thing about an online course! You can do as little or as much as you want, on your own schedule.

  • Yes! I have some really fun lessons within the course for you to practice, and you will also have access to a private facebook group to post in to practice as much as you’d like!

  • I was not “born” with these abilities. I did not have any experiences with spirit as a child. I started learning mediumship in my later 30s! I taught myself through a lot of hard work, books, and courses how to become a medium, and I want to take that struggle off your shoulders. This course is built for someone like myself who never had those experiences growing up, but has that deep calling to mediumship in their hearts.

  • As this course is all online, and I do not have a way to verify that you did not indeed attend the lessons, all purchases are final and no refunds will be offered.

Soul Care Mediumship Mini Course
One time