Soul Care Intuitive


My name is Melinda and my journey started when my father was killed by someone. The day my father was killed I said a silent prayer in my head to him asking him to send me signs. I told him I would always know they were from him. Within a few seconds a truck drove by with the business name DAD’S right across the side in large, bright red letters! I knew my prayer was heard and my sweet daddy was always going to be with me.

My rock bottom came about two years later. I lost 30 pounds, left an abusive relationship, hardly saw any of my friends, and felt like a zombie every day. One night I woke up around 3:00 a.m. and felt horrible. I had a headache, stomach ache, and I was full of shame and guilt. I looked up and saw my dad’s military flag in its box, overlooking me, and I cried until I had to get up for work at 6:00 a.m. I knew I needed help, and I knew I needed change.

I started talking to my dad and asking him to talk to me in any way that he could. I remember always being fascinated by psychic mediums my entire life, but I always thought you had to be born that way, so I would shove those feelings down. After my dad died, I was searching for ways to still have him in my life. I started looking into mediumship and how to do it. One night I was in a restaurant and had the most profound mediumship experience where I was actually talking to a mother and grandmother of a friend of mine. I had never talked to spirit before, yet there I was, giving a mediumship reading without knowing what the hell I was doing.

I dove head first into spirituality. I took several courses on mediumship with some amazing mentors. The second time I was able to connect to spirit when I was actually intending to do so lit up something inside of me I didn’t realize had been hiding in some dark crevice of my soul. From there I learned about reiki, angels, our higher selves, past lives, the Akashic Records, and so much more! Every new course I took on these different subjects kept adding light to my soul. I decided I had to share this with the world. I grew up believing that only the magical or the special had these kinds of talents and that you could not learn how to do them. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that we all have these abilities inside of us just screaming to be set free, and for the darkest parts of ourselves to find that light.

Now I use my voice and my skills to help others step into their power, whether it be through mediumship, energy healing, or powerful readings that are designed to help them heal limiting beliefs, trauma, and pain so that they can step into the next phase of their lives.

Seeing my clients’ eyes light up when they make their first connection to spirit, when they get off my reiki table and tell me they have never felt so relaxed, or after a session where we connect to their angels, higher self, or their past lives, makes me feel more empowered, thus wanting me to bring that more empowered feeling to my clients. I work with people who think they are ordinary to help them understand they really have deep spiritual gifts so that they can find the inner light inside of them that has been screaming to shine.

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