Am I the only one in this reality?

Am I the only person here?

If reality is just reflecting back to me what I am vibrating out, are the people and things I see and interact with really there or are they just an avatar or a thing that my subconscious put there for me to experience?

If there are infinite realities, and infinite possibilities, could it stand to reason that I am the only actual person in my reality and everyone else is just an avatar and that you are having your own reality and everyone in your’s is also an avatar?

Would that make it then that my reality can cross with your reality in order for you to see this? I would still be an avatar in your reality because you would be vibrating out a signal that would bring things to you, and therefore your vibration would bring the avatar of me to you.

If we are all one, which we are, we all come from one divine source, would that then mean that I am the only one here experiencing this reality? Or would that mean that there are an infinite number of fragments of the one source here experiencing many different versions of itself at the same time?

Lately I have been having these questions and feelings arise. I will be driving down the street and look over at someone and wonder if they are real. I will be in a crowded restaurant and feel as if I am alone there. In some instances I will be at work and get the sense that I am the only real person there.

Has this happened to you? Have you ever felt this sensation before? Have you ever questioned what really is your reality and what is not?

I have heard people say we are in a video game simulation, or the matrix. If that is the case, then I think Dolores Cannon was on to something and that these thoughts and sensations have some weight to them.

Dolores Cannon introduced the concept of backdrop people. She was a very respected individual in the studies of metaphysics. She worked heavily with reincarnation, UFOs, and life after death. Through her extensive study, research, and client experiences with her hypnotherapy sessions she came to the conclusion that there are people in our reality that are not really people at all.

Backdrop people, or non-player characters (NPCs), are a concept that not all people that we encounter in our lives are real. Instead, they are part of our reality that we, as creators of our reality, orchestrate and put there, and others that are there to show us lessons. These backdrop people would be playing their roles in our personal evaluation; teaching us, creating blockages to show us where we need healing, and so forth. They would be characters in a game that we can experience things with, but are not real people in the simulation.

Backdrop people would serve the role as an extra in your movie. They are there to add to what you are experiencing, but they are not the main character; you are. They serve as filler characters to give the illusion that there are others here with you.

According to Dolores Cannon, these backdrop people, or NPCs, are not sentient beings with souls, instead, they are akin to a holograph. They appear real, and can interact with us, but they lack any form of consciousness. Essentially, they are energy taking a human form.

Backdrop people emit a different frequency than those on an evolutionary journey. Their energies are typically denser. They appear as if they don’t quite fit in to the energetic activity in which you are seeing them. For example, if you are walking through a crowded airport and everyone seems to be hustling and bustling, having a place to go and something to do, but you see others just standing there, or others who look lost but are not trying to find their way. Their presence, actions, and energy stand out in a different way than someone who has a soul.

I believe that their presence is extremely important in our development, and they should not be treated as less than. I want to stress the importance of not treating others differently, singling anyone out, or placing yourself on a pedestal of being better than others. This type of behavior is NOT evolutionary, and these backdrop people are placed here to HELP us in our evaluation, and not give others some sense of superiority.

I believe one of the most important things we face is the ability to be humble. It is important on our path to enlightenment to respect every aspect of life, to treat every person and situation with love and kindness. This includes backdrop people, or NPCs.

What if backdrop people are placed here for the purpose to see how we treat them, or how we interact with them? Even an NPC that does things that we deem to be “bad” is helping us, because it teaches us what we don’t want, what we don’t like, and how we don’t want to be. It also teaches us what we will and won’t put up with. Their energy gives us the ability to shift our frequency away from that type of energy and on to higher evolutionary energies. In essence, these types of people are essential for our personal and spiritual evolution.

But this brings me back to the original question…am I the only “real” person in my reality or am I mixed in with other real people, as well as backdrop people? If this is my reality and I have the control of what happens, how can there be other conscious souls in it? Wouldn’t my desires trump theirs, and therefore take away their free will?

Since time does not truly exist, and their are infinite realities, could it be that our realities are just overlapping each other in time and space to give the illusion that we are in the same reality at the same time?

There is so much to unpack here, and so many mind blowing thoughts and possibilities, but these things keep coming up in my thoughts, and concepts like this have been appearing in videos or posts I come across. If more and more people are feeling these same thoughts and concepts, does that mean there is something to all of this?

What are your thoughts?


Hello my lovely friend. I am so honored to have you here.


Exploring Sitting in the Power